Karin Dreijer, known as Fever Ray, is an iconic artist of the 21st century, known for their groundbreaking and original contributions to visual media, opera, and live performances that blur the lines of identity and anonymity. Their previous album, "Plunge" released in 2017, was known for its brittle and abrasive sound, exploring queer love with fervour. However, with their latest album, "Radical Romantics," Fever Ray takes a different approach, delivering a joyous and witty exploration of love and relationships.
One of the standout aspects of "Radical Romantics" is its inventive production, featuring collaborations with experimental artists and producers such as Vessel and NĂdia, as well as the legendary Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross from Nine Inch Nails. The album opens with "Even it Out," a menacing track produced by Reznor, where Dreijer confronts a school bully, blurring the line between dark comedy and terrifying reality. However, despite its darker themes, the album as a whole is less austere and more playful, showcasing Fever Ray's wit and curiosity about physical and psychological relationships.
The songs produced in collaboration with sibling Olof are particularly excellent, showcasing Dreijer's revitalized energy. "What They Call Us," the comeback single, is a standout track that captures Dreijer's unique vocal style and delivers a sense of urgency. "Shiver" and "Kandy" exude a nervous desire trapped in mounting sexual tension, portrayed hauntingly by Fever Ray's distinct musicality.
The album comes to a mesmerizing close with "Bottom Of The Ocean," a track that Dreijer produced and wrote alone over two decades ago. The song is a meditative exploration of the human experience of love, with Dreijer's voice enveloped by ethereal instrumentals, creating a wall of sound that captures the cataclysmic event of love in its full intensity.
"Radical Romantics" is a testament to Fever Ray's artistic evolution, showcasing their ability to push boundaries and deliver thought-provoking music that resonates with its listeners. With its witty lyricism, inventive production, and emotional depth, this album is a must-listen for fans of Fever Ray and those seeking music that challenges and captivates in equal measure.
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